You’re invited to a celebration of Arbor Week!
Thursday, March 9 at noon
1st & H Streets across from Humboldt Towing
Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteers & Eureka High School students will be planting a street tree along the waterfront. In addition to Eureka luminaries and cookies, there will be information about Keep Eureka Beautiful’s program of free street trees. Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteers have planted over 1,200 street trees in the past 16 years. Trees are free and our volunteers do the planting.
Trees do fabulous things:
- Slow traffic
- Increase property values
- Clean our air & water
- Studies show that cities that are clean and attractive have stronger economies and less crime.
For more information call Michele McKeegan 707.502.9434
Free street trees!
We have a grant for sidewalk and front yard trees!
We buy the trees and help with planting. We ask you to take responsibility for watering and caring for your tree.
If sidewalk cuts are necessary, we’ll arrange for them. We charge $75 to help offset the cost if sidewalk cuts.
Get in touch with us now!
Historic Tree Planting Event at Eureka Inn!
Saturday 20th February 9:30 AM—47 Trees!
Here’s a chance for you to become involved in a historic beautification event. We will be planting 47 trees in the sidewalks around the Eureka Inn. The City of Eureka has made the cuts in the sidewalks, so we will be digging holes and planting Kanzan Flowering Cherry trees and Magnolias. We need the community to roll up sleeves and dig with us, so please join your neighbors in this massive tree planting.
Eureka tree planting for California Arbor Week
1:00 Wednesday, March 11
Please join Keep Eureka Beautiful Volunteers in kicking off California Arbor Week and the Eureka Cultural Arts District Tree Project with a tree planting downtown at 4th and F Streets on Wednesday, March 11, at 1:00 outside of Coast Central Credit Union. Mayor Susan Seaman will join us to celebrate Arbor Week and this special project.
Tree planting this weekend for Mayor’s Good Neighbor Week
Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteers will be kicking off our fall season with a Saturday, September 28 planting in conjunction with Mayor Seaman’s Good Neighbor Week activities.
Be sure to get on our schedule for the next tree planting.
Email us at
Volunteers needed Saturday! Meet at 9:00 Saturday, September 28th in the yard/lot north of Wabash on F Street.
Please bring gloves, and a spade or shovel.
Update: 17 new trees were planted on Eureka streets on Saturday.
Keep Eureka Beautiful launches spring street tree campaign
Free street trees will be available this spring from Keep Eureka Beautiful, with tree plantings now being planned. The plantings are part of the organization’s Tree-Lined Streets Campaign.
“Trees, poles and planting materials will be available at no cost and volunteers will help with the planting.” according to Michele McKeegan, a Keep Eureka Beautiful founder. “If needed, the only charge will be $75 to partially underwrite the cost of cutting sidewalk holes.”
Eurekans who want a tree may email us for more information or to be scheduled for a tree(s) planting. “The sooner the better,” said McKeegan, “if residents want to get their trees this spring.”
Photo: Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteers Stan Wong and Jesse Douglas sort tree stock for fall tree plantings
Your tree here!

You may be seeing our new stencil around Eureka, marking sidewalks for tree placements. Email us if you’re interested in having a tree(s) placed in front of your home or business.
Sidewalk holes
We can arrange for a hole to be cut in your sidewalk for a modest fee.
More electronic signs coming to Eureka, unless we act!
If the City Planning Commission and Design Review‘s recommendations are accepted by the City Council on Tuesday, this invasive species of advertising will crop up all over Eureka. 60% of coastal cities have banned electronic signs.
This issue has been addressed in the past, but the Council may green light a plan to approve these signs on Tuesday. Perhaps nothing makes everyplace look the same like these illuminated, garish displays.
Join us at the Eureka City Council Meeting: 4:30 Tuesday, Feb 6th
Street Trees for Businesses
Street trees are slated to be planted in the sidewalks in front of Humboldt Bay Inn, Dick Taylor Chocolates, the Co-op and Love Lights on 4th and 5th Streets this year as part of Keep Eureka Beautiful’s efforts to make Eureka a city of tree-lined streets.
Traditionally, the organization has concentrated on planting in residential areas but has expanded its program after receiving requests from businesses. Sidewalks have already been planted on A between 3rd and 4th Streets, in front of the Discovery Shop in Henderson Center and on 3rd Street behind the Red Lion. But only recently has Caltrans agreed to allow KEB to plant on 4th and 5th.
“The experience of other cities is that trees and landscaping slow traffic and draw people into commercial areas,” says Keep Eureka Beautiful volunteer Michele McKeegan, who heads up the tree planting campaign.
Although there is no charge for the trees or poles and KEB volunteers do the planting, there is a $100 charge to reimburse the City of Eureka for cutting each sidewalk hole. It is up the individual property owners to do ongoing maintenance.
Keep Eureka Beautiful is an all-volunteer organization committed to civic beautification. “Other cities have found that attractive cities are more economically vibrant and experience less crime,” notes McKeegan.
For more information, call Bev Post at 707-444-8147.