street trees in EurekaKeep Eureka Beautiful can help you plant a tree(s) on the sidewalk or green strip. There is a $50.00 fee to offset the cutting of the holes in the sidewalk for street trees. If the sidewalk is not wide enough to accommodate a tree, there is no charge for yard trees planted near the sidewalk or in the green strip.

Here’s how to get a tree

Email us at:
We’ll need your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. We will send you a packet of information, which includes the City’s Street Tree Agreement.

By signing and returning this agreement, you accept legal responsibility for the tree (usually covered by homeowner’s insurance).

On receiving the signed agreement, we’ll mark your sidewalk so the utility companies can identify underground lines. Once these marked, we will meet with you to choose the tree type and location you want.

We’ll map your site and submit the application for a tree permit to the City. After the application is approved, we’ll schedule the planting.

The home owner is responsible for maintaining the tree(s):

  • Watering at least twice a month in the dry months.
  • Weeding the tree wells so weeds do not steal nutrients.
  • Covering tree wells with compost or wood chips to improve soil quality and discourage weeds.
  • Fertilizing in the spring with a balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer.

Watering and care for your new trees
Keeping your tree healthy

Water deeply at least every 2 weeks, letting the hose drip slowly for 15 – 20 minutes, or using a bucket with a small hole in the bottom to let water drip slowly. Fill the white plastic pipe to get water to the deep roots.
Fertilize in early spring with a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10). Follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Layer on compost or chips to enrich the soil and discourage weeds. (Make sure mulch doesn’t touch the trunk, which can cause rot).
Weed tree wells. Weeds steal the tree’s water and nutrients.
Sweep up downed leaves in the fall so that they don’t clog the gutters.
Prune off any broken branches or branches coming out of the base of the tree.
Thanks for taking good care of your tree. Trees make Eureka a better place to live by slowing traffic, increasing property values and cleaning the air and water.